Are you tired of your teen's food cravings?

Do you often wonder, why your teen is always hungry?

Adolescence: A Time of Transformation

Teenagers will be undergoing the growth spurts and thats why to cater to their growing body needs, they eat more

The Science behind Teen's hunger

You can term Teen's Hunger as a puzzle and medical science explains the various puzzle pieces and their influence on teen hunger

Balancing Act: 7 Tips for Success

Tip 1 - Provide Nutrient-Rich Foods to nourish their growth.  Encourage them to choose Healthy Foods instead of Junk foods

Teach them   about Emotional Eating

Tip 1: Teach them about the Emotions and choices of Healthy Eating 

Model Healthy Eating Habits

Create a Positive Eating Environment and you also maintain a healthy relationship with food.

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