This blog post, “Navratri Parenting Pebbles” is a three-part series of blog posts that talk about the various parenting lessons the different incarnations of Maa Durga bring to the forefront during these Navratri celebrations. All the festivals in Ancient India have some significance and hidden meanings. They are not about just celebrations and feasts. Each of these incarnations of Maa Durga has some inner hidden meanings and purpose.
Our ancient sages and rishis have explained very clearly the intent and purpose of each of these incarnations, but over a period of time, all of that was lost in the pomp and celebrations. This blog post is just trying to recapture the essence of ancient parenting wisdom that was passed on to us from generations.
Navratri Parenting Pebbles from the days 7, 8 and 9 of Navratri.
Day 7: Kaalrathri Devi or Mahalakshmi devi

On day 7, Maa Durga takes on the most ferocious incarnation called Kaalaratrhi Devi. She destroys all the other demons connected with Mahishasura. She doesn’t leave any loose ends in this battle of good against evil. Scriptures have mentioned that no other form on this entire universe is as fierce and terrifying than Kaalrathri Devi
In yogic parlance – She has been depicted in black color indicating that she would be the one who would be driving all the black evils from the universe. Despite being a ferocious lady during the war with the demons, post the war she is seen in a peaceful mood with motherly love.
Navaratri Parenting Pebbles: Only a mother is capable of destroying the evil thoughts and evil behavior of her offspring. She should be killing/destroying the evil thoughts and behavior right from its roots and shouldn’t spare anyone or anything in that process. But the mother shouldn’t hate or abandon her offspring, just because they have evil behavior or evil thoughts. But at the same time, our affection and love shouldn’t be clouding our judgments or eyes.
Day 8: Maha Gauri devi
On the eighth day, we would be worshipping the incarnation of Maa Durga, which is the epitome of pure beauty, love, and affection. She is such a pure soul and joy to watch and she blesses all her devotees with love and takes care of all their needs.
In yogic parlance – Maha Gauri Devi represents inner beauty and tranquility. She is an epitome of a perfect self, who can sacrifice herself in attaining her goals or for helping others.
Navratri Parenting Pebbles: As parents, we need to teach our children to appreciate and value their inner selves. Only when the kids are able to accept themselves as they are, they would be able to achieve their true potential. So we need to help in removing the negative and limiting thoughts from our children’s minds.
Day 9: Siddhidhatri or Rajarajeswari Devi

Siddhidhatri or Rajarajeswari Devi are the incarnations of Maa Durga who is calm and peaceful after the destruction of the evil nature. She is depicted as the one with the most beautiful and endearing eyes, through which she shows motherly love and affection.
In the yogic parlance – Siddidhatri is the goddess who possesses all the eight siddhi’s needed for one’s salvation. She is the destroyer of ignorance in self. She controls the entire universe and blesses them with divine knowledge. But the sugarcane in her hand signifies that the sweet knowledge is hidden inside the sugarcane and one needs to put in their best efforts to achieve anything in life.
Navratri Parenting Pebbles: We need to inculcate the habit of working hard to achieve their goals in our kids. The most important lesson of the life that “There are no free lunches in this world” is being displayed very accurately by maa Durga in her 9th incarnation.
Final thoughts on why we need Navratri Parenting Lessons:
Parenting in the earlier days was not treated as a separate or special job. Things just used to happen and fall into the place, as our Indian traditions always supported the joint families. Even in case, joint families were not there, our society was a tightly knitted entity at that point in time. Everyone in the village knows each and every kid in the village. So there was no need for any special parenting lessons or classes. Parents and kids always learnt from their grandparents and elders in society.
Now in the modern world, we have moved away from that tightly knit society into nuclear families and we don’t have the elders or their knowledge to show us the right track. At least during these Indian festivities, we can try and learn and relearn the lessons that our elders have incorporated in our religious customs instead of just enjoying the pomp and celebrations associated with these festivals.
This blog post is the concluding part of the Navratri Parenting Pebbles from Navadurgas. In case, if you want to read the earlier parts, please click on the links given below.
9 Incredible Parenting Pebbles shared by Navdurga during this Navratri
Parenting Pebbles from Navaratri – Part I (Days 1,2 and 3)
Parenting Pebbles from Navratri – Part II (Days 4,5 and 6)

[…] Parenting Pebbles from Navratri – Part III (Days 7,8 and 9) […]
[…] Parenting Pebbles from Navratri – Part III (Days 7,8 and 9) […]
[…] Parenting Pebbles from Navratri – Part III (Days 7,8 and 9) […]