How to handle my teen is pulling away

Parenting Teens: Do you know why your teen is pulling away? Best Tips to stop it.

In the quiet moments of a tranquil evening, as the sun dips below the horizon and shadows stretch across the room, you might wonder – do you truly know why your teen is pulling away? It’s a question that resonates deeply with parents, often shrouded in a tapestry of emotions and complexities.

As a parent, you’ve seen them evolve from a curious child into a blossoming teenager, but now, as they navigate the intricate labyrinth of adolescence, something has shifted.

Your ever-talkative child, who has now turned into a teenager, is sitting at the kitchen table, engrossed in the world of their smartphone, earphones in, and an expression that seems to say, “Leave me be.” Or maybe you’ve experienced those terse conversations that end with a door quietly closing, and you’re left standing in the hallway, bewildered by the emotional distance.

Perhaps it’s the sudden discovery of secrets they once eagerly shared, now locked away in the privacy of their room. The once open and close-knit relationship seems to be unraveling. It’s in these moments, when silence and solitude seem to define your relationship that you wonder – why is your teen pulling away? Are you doing something wrong, or what happened to your sweet little child?

How to handle when your teen is pulling away

Trust me, my dear friend, you are not alone. Every parent experiences this feeling; it’s not uncommon, and it’s not irreversible. You will come out of this and can have that warm bond with your child once again. And that will happen only when you are willing to adapt and change your parenting style as per your growing teen’s needs.

Reasons why your Teen is Pulling Away from You:

It’s important to remember that every teenager is unique, and a combination of factors can contribute to their behavior. Here are some common reasons why teens may pull away:

Identity Development: Adolescence is a period of self-discovery, and teens often need space to explore their own identity and values.

Independence: Teens naturally crave more autonomy as they grow older, and pulling away can signify their desire for independence.

Peer Influence: The influence of friends becomes significant during adolescence, and they try to establish closer bonds with their peers at this stage by moving away from family.

Privacy: Teens may feel the need for more privacy, both physically and emotionally. They might be reluctant to share everything with their parents as they fear their parents judging or criticizing them.

Stress and Pressures: Academic, social, and extracurricular pressures can be overwhelming for teens, and they try to shut themselves down whenever stressed.

Mental Health Issues: Teenagers may struggle with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, or substance abuse, leading to isolation and withdrawal as a coping mechanism.

To address this situation, it’s crucial to maintain open and non-judgmental communication with your teenager. Let them know that you are there to support and listen to them.

Do you know why your teen is always behaving in an angry way? Here are the tips to handle and fine-tune your teen’s anger.

Parenting Mistakes for Teens to Pull Away:

You must be aware of potential parenting mistakes that might contribute to your teenager’s desire to pull away. Here are some common parenting mistakes and how to address them:

1. Overparenting (Helicopter Parenting):

Hovering over your teenager, being overly controlling, and not giving them enough space can lead to resistance. Allow your teen to make decisions and learn from their mistakes.

As a habit, you might still be treating your teen as a child and keep giving them directions and doing things for them that they might not like.

As they grow up and crave autonomy, they want to make mistakes and learn from them. Let them fall and get up.

Ex: If your teenager is trying to do their homework and you constantly hover, offering unsolicited advice and corrections, they might feel suffocated and pull away.

Instead, allow them to complete their homework independently, but be available to help if they ask for it.

In the long run, please discuss with your teenager and give them more autonomy, trust them to handle age-appropriate responsibilities, and offer guidance rather than directives.

How to react - my teen is pulling away

2. Being Judgmental & Critical:

Constant criticism or nagging can make your teenager feel like they can’t do anything right, leading to withdrawal.

Also, passing constant judgment on your teenager’s choices or behavior can make them reluctant to confide in you. They might pull away to avoid criticism.

Ex: Whenever your teenager accomplishes anything, instead of appreciating their efforts, you focus only on their shortcomings or flaws, leaving them discouraged. Your teen might even start regretting their choice of sharing their problems or accomplishments with you.

Your teenager opens up about a problem they’re facing, and your immediate response is to criticize their decision, making them regret sharing their concerns.

Instead, express understanding towards their feelings or problems. Offer your heartfelt and positive praises for their accomplishments.

Let your teenager know that you appreciate them for whatever they are as a person and that you are willing to provide constructive advice or feedback when needed.

Why my teen is pulling away - a blog post by mommyshravmusings

3. Constant Comparision with Siblings or Peers:

Constantly comparing your teen to their siblings or peers can damage their self-esteem and push them away.

Just because their peers or siblings excel in academics means that your teen should also do it, as they might have different interests and passions. But pushing your teen to live as per your dreams or compete with their siblings or peers is the critical reason for them to pull away.

Ex: Constantly telling your teenager how well their sibling or friend is doing academically or in sports can make them feel inadequate and distant without understanding their unique strengths and passions.

Instead, take an interest in their hobbies, attend their events, and show enthusiasm for what they love. Treat them as different individuals, help them set their own goals, and stop comparing them with others.

Engage with your teenager by taking an interest in their activities and passions. Attend their events or show enthusiasm for what they love.

4. Ignoring Their Privacy and Feelings:

In this social media-driven world, most parents have the habit of Invading their teen’s privacy by going through their belongings or monitoring their online activities with the good intention of keeping them safe in the online world.

Some parents might even fail to understand the feelings or emotions of their teens. The parents think that it’s all about growing up and they don’t have to bother too much about one’s emotions or feelings.

Ex: Your teenager is upset about a breakup, but you dismiss their feelings, saying, “It’s just puppy love; you’ll get over it.” They stop confiding in you about their emotions.

Instead, as parents, we need to acknowledge their feelings and emotions. Let your teen only share their feelings or emotions when they are ready to share with you. You can provide supporting guidance when required.

Let your teen understand the concepts of emotional resilience and how to safeguard themselves in the online and physical worlds.

Here are some important teen parenting tips that you have to keep in mind all the time.

5. Inconsistent Parenting:

Inconsistent parenting can be confusing for teenagers. If they don’t know what to expect, they may pull away.

Playing hot and cold, showing empathy sometimes and aggressiveness other times, will lead to confusion in them.

Ex: You might be cussing in frustration but will flip out when your child cusses in front of others. This will create confusion among the teenagers. You might not apologize for your mistakes, but you will come out strongly to your teenagers when they don’t apologize.

Your teens need structure and clear boundaries. Ensure you are very clear with expectations and related consequences so your teen knows what they can expect at any given time.

Have a family meeting and discuss the boundaries for everyone in the family and the consequences of crossing those boundaries. This will bring all the family members on the same page about the house rules and regulations.

Remember that parenting is a learning process, and it’s never too late to change your approach positively. Honest and respectful communication is key to repairing any strained parent-teen relationships.

Here are some tips for adopting a tough-love parenting style with your teens that will work.

How to react while your teen is pulling away:

It’s important to remember that maintaining a close relationship, even when your teen is pulling away, requires patience, understanding, and effort. Here are some tips to help you stay close to your teen:

Spend Quality Time Together: Find opportunities to engage in activities you both enjoy.

Show Interest in Their Interests: Take an interest in your teenager’s hobbies and passions.

Open and Non-Judgmental Communication: Create an environment where your teenager feels comfortable talking to you.

Here are some cool bonding activities to bond with your teens during this Halloween.

Show Trust in their Abilities and decisions: Show trust in their abilities and judgment, even if it means letting them make some mistakes.

Set Realistic Expectations: Be patient as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and have realistic expectations about their behavior.

Offer Guidance, Not Control: Instead of issuing commands, offer guidance and advice when they seek it. Encourage critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Stay Informed without invading their privacy: Be aware of what’s happening in your teenager’s life, but avoid prying or being intrusive. Stop invading their personal space unless it’s necessary for their safety.

Respect Their Friends: Show respect for your teenager’s friends, even if you have reservations. Building a positive relationship with their friends can help keep lines of communication open.

Be Supportive: Let your teenager know that you’re there for them, whether they need a listening ear, help with a problem, or just someone to lean on during difficult times.

Acknowledge Their Feelings: Validate their emotions, even if you don’t understand or agree with them. Let them know that their feelings are real and vital.

How to react - my teen is pulling away

Remember that building and maintaining a close relationship with your teenager is an ongoing process. Be patient and adaptable, and keep the lines of communication open, even when your teen is pulling away. Your consistent support and understanding will positively impact their development and your relationship with them.

Parting Thoughts:

In the labyrinth of adolescence, where emotions run high and twists and turns mark the journey from childhood to adulthood, understanding why your teen is pulling away can be both challenging and enlightening. The teenage years are a time of self-discovery, where independence is sought, boundaries are tested, and new horizons beckon. And yet, through it all, your love and guidance remain a steadfast anchor.

As parents, we navigate the delicate dance of closeness and independence, constantly adjusting our steps to the rhythm of our teenager’s evolving needs. Through moments of solitude and silence, secrets hidden away, and those doors quietly closing, remember this: your teenager is not lost to you. They are on a journey of growth, just as you are on a journey of understanding.

Ultimately, in your relentless commitment to nurturing a strong and loving relationship, you’re not just stopping your teen from pulling away; you’re ensuring that they’ll always know they have a safe harbor in you as they navigate the tumultuous seas of adolescence.


  1. […] might be the reason, why your teen is pulling away from you. Read more […]

  2. […] you wondering why your teen might be pulling away from you? Here are some practical and excellent […]

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