What is the Montessori Method of Education?

As a parent, we all strive to give our kids the best education. Every parent feels that their kid is unique, curious, creative, hands-on, and different from other kids. But are the kids retaining the above qualities we found in them as toddlers when they grow older?

NO right? Are the kids going wrong, or are we, as parents treating our kids in the wrong way so that their love for exploration and curiosity gets subdued by the time they enter school? Have you ever wondered why?

Montessori Method, Alternative Education, Early Childhood Education, Educational Methods, shravmusingswrites, Montessori Quotes

The reason is that we are not considering their developmental and psychological needs while enrolling them in schools.  We expect a child to sit through his classes without moving or shaking and absorb all the material the teacher gives them in the form of lectures. This means we expect the kid to behave like an adult and forego all his needs for movement and play.

On the contrary, in the Montessori, the children learn at their own pace based on their interests/mood of that day. There is freedom of movement and choice of subjects. But everything is within the permissible limits set by the adults (guides instead of teachers) who spend one-on-one time with kids to guide them towards success in their chosen path.

What is meant by the Montessori Method of Education?

The Montessori Education method is the philosophy developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in Italy. The philosophy was developed based on her observations about children. Based on her words, she concluded that children preferred experiential learning over oratory classroom learning.

Montessori Method, Alternative Education, Early Childhood Education, Educational Methods, shravmusingswrites, Montessori Quotes

So she provided varied hands-on activities across different streams and tested them in schools across Italy. Kids introduced to these hands-on activities quickly picked up even the complex subjects, and their foundations were strong. That’s how she devised the Montessori Method: “Children can choose the activities appropriate to their age and understanding.   Adults play a mentor role in guiding the children to complete the activity by enabling them to find the right way.”

How is the Montessori Method different from Traditional Learning?

Traditional learning mainly focuses on listening, reading, writing, and watching. At the same time, the Montessori method emphasizes all five senses of the kids – sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste.

The Montessori method makes the study a discovery for the kids and retains that WOW factor in their education. They choose to learn at their own pace that, too, a subject of their liking. Here you can see a child studying geography taught in 6th grade in grade 2.

The Montessori method is based on the mixed age group criteria, so the children get to watch and learn from the older children. This setup improves the confidence and empathy of older children and provides role models for the younger ones. The additional advantage of this method is that the children are not limited by age or peer group to try new things. The older ones in the group would always be doing complex work, enticing the younger children and setting them on a path. This sets up the practice of “leading by example.”

Montessori Method, Alternative Education, Early Childhood Education, Educational Methods, shravmusingswrites, Montessori

This whole process develops self-discipline and self-motivation in the children. This system brings the inner talents of every child to the forefront without branding them as either winners or losers. So it builds the self-confidence of the children, which is very much needed in this fast-paced world.

The ultimate goal of the Montessori method is to provide carefully prepared environments for the children so that their love for learning and exploration would increase and bring a joyous response towards life. As a by-product of this system, we get independent and creative kids/teenagers eager to face the world heads. Accelerated learning could also be another by-product based on the kids’ interests.


Free the Child’s Potential, and You will transform him into the World

Maria Montessori

People interested in setting up the Montessori Environment at home and trying out various Montessori activities with their toddlers during the preschool years can refer to the book listed below, which I have used for my child during his initial years.

Author’s Note:

Dear Reader, this is the first part of the eight-part Montessori Method of Education and its Philosophy Series, and please stay tuned for further updates on the same topic. You would get interesting material and techniques based on the Montessori Method of education here.

Suhasini, IP, is the Author of the book “Practical Tips for Kids Mental Health.” As a certified kids and parents life coach, she helps/guides you toward a happy family life for your kids. She firmly believes that “Emotionally Happy Kids of today are the Mentally Strong and Happy Citizens of tomorrow.” Let’s make the world a happy and beautiful place for our kids to thrive.


  1. There are lots of different methods available by which we can easily educate our children.

    Glad to hear about the Montessori method where children are allowed to choose the activities appropriate to their age and understanding.

    1. Thanks a lot, Trapti for dropping by. Yes, there are various methods available in Early Childhood Education. Since my kid is going to Montessori school, I am more familiar with this system and that’s why I chose this topic. Please feel free to let me know your views on the same

  2. Yes, I came across these different methods while we were looking for a school for our kid. Your detailed post will help new parents.

    1. Thank you Rashi for encouraging words. Since I struggled a lot to identify the right school for my kid, thought of making a series on Montessori method and how it can be really good for both you and your kid.

  3. My son is 4 yr old and m looking forward to this blog. Off late I have been exploring various DIY for hands on learning. Montessori is a great way of learning.

    1. Thank you Supriti. There are lot of videos on youtube for various DIY’s which even i explored initially a lot to spend time with my kid.

    2. Wow loved to hear that there also exist these type of education system whereas other education systems do nothing but gives theory loads rather than practical knowledge

      1. Yes, it does exist and my kid is currently studying in this methodology and thats the reason why I got interested in this philosophy in the first place

  4. This is a beautifully written article.. I also believe in Monstessori Method of education !

    1. Thanks a lot Simrit. I just wanted to spread awareness and my happiness about finding the right method for my kid – Montessori.

  5. I didn’t knew about your believe in Montessori philosophy. This is informative for many parents, Looking forward to read rest 7 posts.

    I use a convenient mix of multiple philosophy for my soon to be 3 years old. The idea of encouraging independence early came from Montessori.

    1. While starting, especially to give my kid the confidence on all the senses, I also used to lot of DIY’s at home Pragnya. Now that he is going to a true Montessori school, my role is getting limited to only supervision these days. ?

      1. That’s great. Happy for you and kiddo

  6. Nice post , every child is different and we should not force them all to follow one method , instead should let them explore new things themselves.

    1. Very true Ghazala. Thanks for stopping by

  7. I have been a fan of Montessori teaching methodology way before I became a mom. I love when kids learn and understand the concepts and not try to mug up the entire book word by word.

    1. Me too dear. I love the Montessori method a lot

      1. I am so happy reading this post. As mother to two children who are very different temperamentally, I wholeheartedly welcome the Montessori method.
        It’s good to know that children have the freedom to indulge in their instincts and natural behaviour in these schools.

      2. Thanks a lot Sona for your kind words

  8. A wonderful introduction to a wonderful method of teaching! Looking forward to the rest.. 🙂

    1. Thanks a lot Aadhira for your kind words

  9. This unique method will help kids to learn in the best possible way 🙂 New Parents will love to read this article while searching a good education system for their kids.
    #MyFriendAlexa #vigorousreads

  10. Wow, what an insightful post! I had no idea about Montesorri method of edication before reading this. Yes, every parent should understand child’s developmental needs before forcing them to follow the traditional method of education.

    1. Thank you Paresh for your kind words

  11. Oh that’s an insightful post on the Montessori Method of Education. Looking forward to reading more on this.

    1. Sure Neha. Please follow the blog to get notified of the remaining 6 parts which would be published during the course of this month. Thanks a lot for your encoragment

  12. I prefer Montessori method for kids. It has helped many kids in learning through the senses that they rely on most. No child is same. Their level of understanding things is different, the way they perceive a certain concept is different. I wish this method becomes more common in Indian schools rather than getting limited to kindergarten levels most of the time. It is the need of the hour
    #readbypreetispanorama for #MyFriendAlexa

    1. Yes agree completely Preeti. When Finns can do it easily, we can also follow this method. But for that the first and foremost thing thats needed is the change in the Parent’s mindset.

  13. Indeed an informative post. Education should not be about rote learning.

    1. Thanks a lot for dropping by

  14. I am not as familiar with Montessori method and found your write up very informative. It seemed well researched and gave good insight to an alternative method of teaching. thanks for sharing it!

  15. […] Do you want to read more about the Montessori Method of Education? […]

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