The onset of the COVID Pandemic has changed everything. Nothing is going to be normal again and travel will never going to be the same. It’s difficult to predict when one can travel safely. Then how can an avid traveler like me survive? Instead of the armchair travel or watching the touristy places on the gadgets, our family has come up with a new mode of travel. It’s the “Travel within Oneself”.
What is “Travel within Oneself”
If traveling is to explore new places, then travel within oneself is to explore our own self. Looking back into oneself deep enough to understand our own limitations, ambitions, insecurities, and everything about ourselves.
Trying to dig deeper and understanding ourselves is always good for one’s soul and a happier soul means a happier person.

Why is “Travel within Oneself” needed?
Traveling to find oneself is quite normal. You would have heard/seen multiple people who after traveling came back refreshed and as a person, as they were able to find themselves. Do you think the physical travel to new places really got the change in them or finding their inner passions and desires got that change in them?
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If a person is trying to escape from his own thoughts and feelings, then the physical travel is not going to help that person. But traveling within to find oneself is definitely going to help. “Traveling within Oneself” is going make us face our fears, insecurities, and anxieties heads on and find a solution for them. Then automatically one would emerge as their stronger self, with renewed energy and life. That’s the positive outcome of this kind of travel.
In this pandemic days, we can achieve this feat without stepping out of our safe boundaries.
Your Itinerary for “Travel within Oneself”
So now that you are convinced of the need for this new kind of travel, I am sharing our itinerary plans with you all, so that you can tailor them based on your needs and situations. Our main agenda for this travel is to
1. New Understanding about Self:
Once in awhile, one needs to take a hard look within oneself to understand what they like, they don’t like, and what things they are taking for granted in life. This pandemic bought those hard-hitting facts on to our face. Pizza nights, long drives over the weekend were something we took for granted. But when we couldn’t do them, we tried to explore some new options to spend as a family.
Get to know what you like and don’t. Also, understand the why part of it.
Now our family bonds over the moonlight dinners in our terrace garden, or to multiple cups of tea sitting on top of the water tank, with a gentle breeze caressing our faces bringing the smell of blooming jasmines from down below. We really don’t need the expensive fancy restaurant dinners or the long drives to bond with each other. All we need is the time away from gadgets and in the lap of nature.
2. New Passions to discover:
The COVID pandemic bought the world closer to the digital platform. This gave us more opportunities to explore. My child is able to try out his long-pending desires of trying ballet and Kathak dances for a couple of days.
My mom-in-law is now able to start learning new stuff on our Indian scriptures and enjoy her time, instead of spending time watching various serials on the television. She even started taking lessons on ayurvedic medicines.
It’s never late to Learn New things
I and hubby could do a lot of courses that were long pending due to the lack of time all these days online, without stepping out of our house.
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3. New tastes to discover:
When all the hotels are closed, and the maid is on forced leave, we have to start cooking. Eating daily the daal chawal or the traditional south Indian meals becomes boring after a certain time.
You never know about it till you tasted
The rescue came to us in terms of the cooking channels, cooking blogs. With their help, we started trying out the continental dishes including Thai, Italian, American dishes. We realized that our family likes baking and we started baking almost daily now. Home-baked goodies taste better on any day!!

4. New fears to be conquered:
Understanding our own fears is the first step towards conquering them. Speaking about them loudly is the next step in conquering them.
God has created Fears only to be conquered
We can achieve this only when we can internalize our own feelings. Then facing those fears heads on is the only way to conquer them. To face those fears and anxieties heads on needs a strong will and support from the family members. But unless we tell them what bogs us down, they wouldn’t be able to help us. So Speaking out loud about our fears and anxieties is a must. And that’s the reason why we need daily family bonding ritual as well.
5. New Values to be learnt:
This is the time we got without any external disturbances. So we used this time to teach our kids about our own culture and traditions. In normal days, the child as well as parents would be rushing from one task to the other. When the world came to stand still with the pandemic, we could use that time to teach our kid the traditional games we played when we were kids and share a lot of stories we learned from our grandparents.
“Culture and Values are the basic core of every human being”
Apart from our own culture, we showed the differences across various cultures so that the kid is aware that different cultures do exist in the world and there is good to learn from every culture. Gadgets and the online world came to help us in this endeavor.
So, did you like my travel into self agenda? What about you, when are you planning your “Travel within yourself”. I would love to hear your experiences or your views on this topic in the comments.
‘This blog post is part of the SpeakEasy Blogging Challenge by Dipika and Ruchi.’
I totally loved your write up. Such a positive and powerful take on the prompt . Yes, our life style has completely changed in this pandemic and understanding ourselves better has helped us to deal with this unpredictable situation. Lovely to know that your entire family has been dealing with the current situation so beautifully . Hats off to mother in law for such zeal .
Thank you Chinmayee for your love.
my pleasure.
What a beautiful and powerful take on the prompt. I loved the way you described about how your entire family dealt with this pandemic . Hats off to your mother in law for such zeal. Yes, for many of us the inward journey has been crucial to keep us sane during the trying times .
Thank you dear
my pleasure
my pleasure
Lovely post, so true we certainly need to travel to ourselves, know us better.
Lockdown indeed bought a positive change towards self travel.
Thank you Pragun for dropping by
traveling outside is pretty easy as compared to traveling inside. We do not want to accept what we really want and keep suppressing it further, traveling inside would open a can of worms and most grave fears.
You post is a very unique take on the prompt.
Thank you Ujjwal. Yes traveling inside is a really tough task.
wow lovely post dear and I really like the idea of self travel agenda. in fact I feel everyone should do these things in timely manner. finding your passion and conquering your fear are such an important steps that work way more better than physical travel. unique response to theme and I had a great time while reading your post,
Thank you Surbhi. Am glad that you are able to resonate to my points.
Ultimate take on the theme travel, a travel through the self exploration indeed much needed in this hour. somewhere I believe directly or indirectly this Pandemic has gifted us a break to realize how we are escaping from the way to peep inside which is very essential for our betterment.
what a beautiful take. Love love love the write up .. This pandemic has given me enough time to discover my new set of tastes. I am surely exploring options to up skill myself.
Thank you Hema. Please let us know about your culinary experiments too
Such positive learning’s from the most difficult times we have faced as a society. It was refreshing to read such positive affirmation during times where it seems we are stuck. I am sure looking within & being grateful is what we all have experienced during these times.
Thank you Aesha for dropping by
Just loved how you took this prompt, Suhasini.
This pandemic has indeed taught us to value smaller things and gestures. For me, this time brought a lot of teaching and time to reflect on self.
Thank you Nitisha. Yes we learnt not to take things for granted during the pandemic.
Wow this is quite a powerful post. Something that all of us need to concentrate on instead of getting lost in the perils of life.
Thank you Cindy
Beautiful thought and post, Suhasini. We all need to undertake journeys within, this post is a reminder of that. A lesson we all need to memorize.
Thank you Mayuri. Yes we all need to travel inside once in a while to understand ourselves better
I totally loved your take on this topic. I agree this is the time to introspect and sharpen the saw. Discover new passion, Skills and yourself.
Thank you Swati for agreeing to my point of view
Among all the other journey we have, journey within ourselves is the most important one. There are so much to explore within this self. And to discover new version too. I really appreciate your theme and I loved the writing style how you have described the journey within. Hats off Suhasini.
Thank you Swarnali. This is my first attempt to try writing on this kind of stuff and glad you all liked it.?
best of luck. I love self discovery posts.
Suhasini…this is my kind of post.. loved it.. so rightly you have mentioned.. it’s very important to know yourself and it’s actually for the good for everyone around us..
Yup, Payel I was expecting this from you. It’s first time for me to explore this kind of writing. I just wrote, what we did. Glad you liked it. ?
I would say this is the best to travel within oneself; to contemplate and work upon ourselves. nice take on the prompt.
Thanks a lot for dropping by
Thank you for dropping by…
I love this post. .. Traveling within and finding so much joy and treasures is lovely. I really liked how you and your family are spending time together over tea and away from gadgets.
Thank you Ishieta, yes thats our unwinding time after the hectic time spent in front of gadgets
Such a Beautiful post “travelling within oneself” We do need of this kind of travelling and yes this pandamic gave us this chance. Me n my hubby too learn new courses online which really keep us productive n positive n busy too?
Wow thats so wonderful Neeta…thank you for dropping by
This is a very different take on the theme of Travel and a thought provoking one too. Self introspection reveals new things about one self and certainly help us face our fears.
Thank you Disha. Yes we all need to do Self Introspection once in a while
Wow what a lovely take on this prompt. I really loved how you have thought of travel within oneself. In fact it seems to be a travel/journey that we should take periodically to become a better human being. To bring out the best in us by looking into ourself and then working on it.
Kudos to you for the thought process and write up.
Thank you Rakhi for your love
Loved your take on the prompt. The Lockdowns due to Covid19 are teaching us a lot of new things; need of the hour is to look inside oneself and learn what is the fresh style of living.
This is such a brilliant post, loved reading it. It gave me a new & fresh perspective to look at our current situation. So much positivity & happy vibes in this post. In a way, we all have taken this journey over the past few months but the way you have portrayed it gives a whole new meaning.
What a beautiful take on the prompt ‘Travel”. I loved reading it and yes, it is time to ponder deep within onself now and take necessary steps in improving ourselves. It’s time to learn new things, explore our passions and most importantly forgive and begin a new version of us.
Thank you Amritha
I agree that this pandemic time taught all us to have a new look towards life !! Glad to have you in this challenge
Thank you Ruchie
Amazing post. Its only by travelling within oneself that we can realise our true potentials, our wishes and what we truly want from life. LOved it
Thank you for dropping by
Such a beautiful way to express for the prompt Travel. Pandemic has got us all thinking and missing and learning. We took many things and even people for granted and now it has taught to peep into our hearts and also learn new things.
Thank you Seema for dropping by
Lovely post, Suhasini. Loved the positivity that this post portrays.This pandemic has helped us to peep inside rather connecting and getting lost in humdrum of outer world.
Thank you for dropping by
Such a lovely blog with so much positivity. This lockdown has given us the right chance to sit back n travel withing oneself and 2with oneself. A perfect time to introspect and reinvent oneself.
Thank you Hansa
I truly believe in this scenario, Suhasini. I have tried myself to conquer my fears and bad habits by being quiet and meditating.
Travelling within is the true happiness we need to experience. Excellent suha Ji the best post I ever read in this challenge.
Thank you Sivaranjini. No need for ji and all ?
Thank Sivaranjini. No need for ji and all ?
Thank Sivaranjini. No need for ji and all ?
Thats the best thing to do Geethica. Am happy that you could associate with this post.
Yes I have travelled this path in the last few months. I have taken sometime for myself and learnt new things which I wished to. Havent got still the desired time I crave for with increased load but I am glad I travelled within myself to with whatever time I had.
In that case, you can associate with my blog a lot more when compared to the others Mahek. Thanks for dropping by
Yes, I strongly believe in self-analysis. This can only be done if you travel with your thoughts all alone. Due to this pandemic, we all learnt new things, adopted new habits and moreover we learnt how to live without going out.
Thank you Bhawna. Yes, we all have learned a lot of things, all thanks to the Pandemic
Fantastic take on the prompt! I loved the way you broke down the inner journey into different points to ponder. I shared this blog with my teenage son and he also found it very interesting! Yours was a post we discussed within our family over the dinner table and even after that. Thank you so much for writing such a thought-provoking post!
Thank you Mayura, you really made my day with all your appreciation. I Felt honored to hear that you thought my post is worth discussing with your family.